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Tax Disc changes: how they will affect you?

So, after 93 years the much loved, or not, traditional vehicle tax disc has disappeared. When you renew your tax after 1st October 2014 you won’t need to display it on your windscreen, but this doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay! You will still receive a postal reminder when your renewal is due, along with advice on how to pay whether that is online, by phone or at the Post Office. You can also find out how to renew your tax here

You can check online when your car tax, or Vehicle Excise duty (VED) as it is properly known,  expires and the DVLA and police have access to check the database to make sure that all eligible vehicles fully taxed.

There is good news: When the DVLA receives notification of change of ownership, a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) or that it has been scrapped your tax refund will be sent automatically for any remaining full months.
